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Friday, December 19, 2008

Declaring Bankruptcy

By Elma Evvie

While it is never easy to decide whether or not you should declare bankruptcy. However declaring bankrupty may be one of the best financial decisions that can help you get back on your feet.

We personally know how difficult it can be to struggle every month with your finances. No one wants to have to deal with whether or not declaring bankruptcy will help them with their finances; however if you are in a position where you can barely make ends meet then you may want to consider it.

Bankruptcy is a way for people to get a "fresh start" and it is not always a bad thing. However before you begin declaring bankruptcy; there are some things that you should know.

1. Your Credit Score: Your credit score is extremely important when it comes to getting new loans or even trying to get a job.

Once you file bankruptcy then it is going to affect your credit for up to 7 years. However once you have decided that this is the best route for you; then you want to know that you can rebuild your credit after you have filed with work and persistence.

2. Finances: Without discovering why you are facing these financial hardships it will be impossible not to be facing them later on down the road again. It is important to sit down and find out why you have to file and where you went wrong.

Before you decide to file or not; it is important to find out why you are having to make this decision. Remember nothing can change if you keep making the same financial decisions that you have been making.

3. Teach Your Kids: This one is imporant because you want to teach your kids how to be responsible with their finances so that they will not make the same mistakes that you made.

Declaring bankruptcy is one of the most difficult decisions that anyone can be faced with. If you are struggling with your payments and not making enough to pay your bills; then you may want to consider filing. Even though it does affect your credit; you can learn how to rebuild your credit after filing. Before you decide whether or not to file; you may want to get a free counseling about your finances to ensure that you do not have any alternatives.

If you are looking for more information about bankruptcy and whether or not you can get back on your feet after filing; then visit our site below. We share our personal experience and show you how to avoid being in this position ever again.

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