Finding The Best Student Loan Consolidation Programs
By the time you finish college, it is more than likely that you will have several loans. Four or more years of loan debt can leave you with several repayments to different loan agencies. In most situations, you are required to apply for a new loan each year and depending on your financial status, you might qualify for loans with different interest rates. Consolidating your loans into one loan can help save you time and money.
If you decide to consolidate your school loans, there are several different consolidation programs. You will first want to look at what type of loans you received. If you borrowed from the government, you will qualify for different consolidation programs than if you borrowed from a private lender. You will want to review your options. It's possible that you received both private and government loans. It is still possible to consolidate your loans, even if this is the case.
One thing you will want to verify is that you are truly getting a better interest rate by consolidating your loans. Some government loans offer really low interest rates, but if they are variable rates and not fixed rates, then you might see those rates rise. This is another smart reason to consolidate loans; it allows you to lock in the interest rate so it is not affected by future rate fluctuations.
If you have government loans, watch to make sure that the interest rate you are offered for consolidation is actually lower than the interest rate on each loan. On occasion, loans issued by the government can have really low interest rates, especially those offered based on need. If you have a loan that is at a lower interest rate than the consolidation interest rate, you will probably want to leave that loan out of the consolidation to save yourself money. There are four main refinancing options usually available when you consolidate loans. The first option is the standard repayment plan where you make monthly payment plans on a fixed interest rate over a period of ten years to thirty years, depending of the type of consolidation refinance program and lender you choose. The second option is the extended repayment plan where your payments are less than payments under the Standard Repayment Plan, with repayment periods ranging from twelve to thirty years, depending on the total amount that you have borrowed.
Option number three is called the graduated repayment plan. With this plan, your monthly payments increase every two years. You have options of paying the amount back over twelve to thirty years. Option number four is called the contingent repayment plan. With this plan, your repayment schedule is contingent on your family size, total amount of loan debt, and your annual income. With this repayment program, the payments are spread out over twenty-five years.
Finally, there is the option of the income contingent repayment plan. This is an excellent option for people with low income and or large families since the repayment is based on your total debt, annual income, and family size. Your repayment schedule will span over twenty-five years. Whichever student loan consolidation program you decide is best for you, it will most likely help improve your financial situation.
If you decide to consolidate your school loans, there are several different consolidation programs. You will first want to look at what type of loans you received. If you borrowed from the government, you will qualify for different consolidation programs than if you borrowed from a private lender. You will want to review your options. It's possible that you received both private and government loans. It is still possible to consolidate your loans, even if this is the case.
One thing you will want to verify is that you are truly getting a better interest rate by consolidating your loans. Some government loans offer really low interest rates, but if they are variable rates and not fixed rates, then you might see those rates rise. This is another smart reason to consolidate loans; it allows you to lock in the interest rate so it is not affected by future rate fluctuations.
If you have government loans, watch to make sure that the interest rate you are offered for consolidation is actually lower than the interest rate on each loan. On occasion, loans issued by the government can have really low interest rates, especially those offered based on need. If you have a loan that is at a lower interest rate than the consolidation interest rate, you will probably want to leave that loan out of the consolidation to save yourself money. There are four main refinancing options usually available when you consolidate loans. The first option is the standard repayment plan where you make monthly payment plans on a fixed interest rate over a period of ten years to thirty years, depending of the type of consolidation refinance program and lender you choose. The second option is the extended repayment plan where your payments are less than payments under the Standard Repayment Plan, with repayment periods ranging from twelve to thirty years, depending on the total amount that you have borrowed.
Option number three is called the graduated repayment plan. With this plan, your monthly payments increase every two years. You have options of paying the amount back over twelve to thirty years. Option number four is called the contingent repayment plan. With this plan, your repayment schedule is contingent on your family size, total amount of loan debt, and your annual income. With this repayment program, the payments are spread out over twenty-five years.
Finally, there is the option of the income contingent repayment plan. This is an excellent option for people with low income and or large families since the repayment is based on your total debt, annual income, and family size. Your repayment schedule will span over twenty-five years. Whichever student loan consolidation program you decide is best for you, it will most likely help improve your financial situation.
About the Author:
Trinity helps people to learn about student loan consolidation, how to find a federal bad credit student loan, and about private student loans for bad credit.
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