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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Car Insurance Considerations

By Tom Martens

Car insurance is necessary, regardless of how much or how little you drive. There are some issues you need to take into consideration as you look for a car insurance policy.

Always understand thoroughly what the policy does and does not cover. A strong car insurance policy must always meet the needs of the driver. If it doesn't, simply request a new quote from the insurance agency. Never settle on anything short of what you need.

New vehicles that were purchased with a loan require full insurance coverage. This is not an option, and often the insurance policy is needed before the loan is awarded. So if you want to purchase a new vehicle, make sure you a insurance policy worked out first.

Policy holders can also bundle their car insurance policy, with home, life, or any other type of insurance the holder may have. Bundling the policies means they all are provided by the same insurance company which in return will save you a lot of money.

Where you live impacts your insurance rates. Car insurance is more expensive in metro areas than in rural areas, especially if you own an expensive car. More expensive cars require more expensive car insurance. You will also want to check your car's safety rating. Safer cars are cheaper to insurance, while flashier models cost more.

Teen drivers who are looking for a new policy under their parents are granted one, but keep in mind the premium is going to stay very high for the first ten years or so. Teen drivers sometimes are awarded a discount by the provider through "good student" discounts. The discount awards teen drivers with good grades a cheaper premium.

Ask your insurance provider what discounts are available to you on a car insurance policy. Many providers offer discounts for senior citizens, members of the military, women, multiple cars, multiple drivers and multiple policies. You might also be eligible for a premium discount if you belong to certain organizations, such as the AARP, or a specialty club.

Never settle on one insurance quote. Research and generate several different quotes from different providers. A little extra work will earn you a cheaper car insurance premium.

Regardless of your car insurance needs, contact a qualified insurance provider. They can examine your situation and answer whatever questions you may have before tailoring a car insurance policy that meets your needs and provides the coverage you want.

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