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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cut High Property Assessments


Home values dropping? Don't bet the farm on property taxes getting reduced. Property tax increases to property owners are fast becoming a hot potatoes issue throughout the country. The consuming question traditionally is: how to stall an biased burden of appraisal creep and improve the current systems in place without hurting the state's ability to collect basic revenue.

Basically it is a motion of bringing in transparency into government by cutting expenses as well as insisting that government perks, pay and benefits mirror the private sector.

Government should mirror the private sector in wage and benefits. Instead government take unfair advantage by getting higher wages than the typical WalMart, Home Depot employee, get to retire in 20 years while the average Joe works till he's 65.

Property taxes are a complicated issue. Appraisal caps, sales price disclosure, swapping school property tax for a higher sales tax with fewer exemptions and generally to rent government budgets are some ideas some government bodies are considering.

The appeals process is always in place for home and property owners who believe their values are too high. Numerous areas for price adjustment exist when comparing your home to another home's sold data. Changes in square foot data, age of home, location, condition, number of garages are some the area that can be adjusted for

Even in good times usually a higher error rate exists in property tax assessments. The National Taxpayers Union writes that as many as 60% of all homeowners are over-assessed and not in line with their home value. ("How To Fight Property Taxes" 2004 p.1). This fact alone gives one pause to check their property taxes. It also presents and excellent work from home job.

Your assessment could go up if the assessment did not include an addition built without a building permit for an office or spare bedroom, air conditioning, sun room, outbuildings and other improvements. If these improvements were not previously noted they could actually increase the appraisal assessment but that is a rarity

Property owners have the right to formally appear in front of a board of equalization to share their information and state their case. At any rate the first course of appeal would be to contact the property tax assessor and give compelling evidence. Be prepared for deaf ears, few listen well.

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