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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ways How To Avoid Bad Credit

By Michael Benifez

Today's credit crisis is resulting in a more difficult road for consumers to getting a loan and obtaining good rates. Lenders are becoming increasingly cautious and are making more declines than ever before. If your credit rating is less than stellar, you can pretty much guarantee you're not going to get the best rate on the loan you're hoping for, that is if you can get the loan at all. If you improve your credit score, you can insure your lending status. There are five basic steps for improving credit.

1: Obtain a copy of your credit report. You can't repair something you don't know is broken. Once you have a copy, you will be able to determine your position and whether or not improvements can be made. You can get a free report from each of the three bureaus once a year from This website is owned by the credit bureaus themselves and designed to provide you with your entitled report once every 12 months. Many sites online have very similar names, so be extremely cautious when you're typing the address.

2: Review your report and remove anything that's outdated. Carefully review your report and keep and eye open for inaccuracies. You have the right to get incorrect data removed from your file. You may also request that any negative data be deleted, but you will be required to provide proof for your request.

3: Make sure credit card balances are low. Substantial outstanding debt will adversely impact your FICO score. Do NOT max out your credit. It will only serve to cause you problems in the long run. Why not check if there are any balance transfer cards available so you won't be forced to max out your existing card. Lenders tend to favor people who carry manageable debt on their cards. Here's a tip: Don't pay off your entire balance each month. Believe it or not, that may hurt your chances with a lender and may also hurt your credit score. Lenders make money by charging you interest your balance; if you're not paying anything in interest each month, you're not an asset to the lender.

4: Build on your credit limit. Lenders will generally assign you a credit limit, meaning you can't charge more than that amount. Earning credibility with lenders will help grow that number. You should also be aware of your 'debt to credit ratio'. Your 'ratio' is determined by the debt you carry on a high limit card. If you have a limit of 15 thousand dollars, you should strive to keep your debt on that card under or around 50%. In other words, you shouldn't carry more than about $7,500 worth of debt on that card. In America today it's a common problem for an individual's debt to credit ratio to be too high.

5: Pay your bills on time and enjoy the benefits of having zero interest on outstanding balance. It may sound simple, but it is imperative to maintaining a good credit rating. A mere few late payments will negatively impact your credit score.

If you're determined and you start right away, it won't take too long before your credit is back and track and you can get back to living worry free.

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