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Monday, January 5, 2009

A Story About Signature Loans for People with Bad Credit

By Mark Richardson

The day may come when you have use for a personal loan with a term shorter than a few months. For example, you might find yourself in early April faced with a big tax burden and no liquid funds on hand to pay the government. You had no your business's sales were going to be so stellar, and now you're up against the bitter sweet situation of earning a lot of money and consequently owing a lot of it to the government.

You face one big challenge: in spite of the fact that you put in reserve the necessary funds for the government's bill, your tax account no longer has any money in it due to the fact that you and some associates took an unplanned vacation to Las Vegas. If only the government had sympathy toward your spontaneous lifestyle, you wouldn't have any stress right now. Unfortunately, they don't, and now you're going to have to get someone to lend you enough money to pay your taxes - or you'll be paying the penalty.

And here you are without the cash, and that's not all. You also don't have the good credit a person might use to borrow the cash you need to pay your taxes. It turns out having your brand new Chevy Truck taken back by the bank when you couldn't make your payments ruined your credit. If you had good credit any number of banks or credit card companies would give you the money to pay the government right now, but no such luck.

And now you face quite the dilemma - the government wants its money, your cash reserves are empty, and tax day isn't getting any further away. But it doesn't have to be a total loss - you can borrow the money you need, but it's going to take some creativity. You can find signature loans for people with horrible credit.

What exactly is a signature loan? You go to your local bank, fill out their forms, smile, shake their hands, and head home with a wad of cash to help you survive tax day. It's an uncomplicated process, but their going to want more than a big smile from you if they're going to give you the money.

How much money do you make? Any intelligent bank will want to know that your earnings are at least triple the amount of your loan amount. In the face of a sub-600 Fico score, big paychecks will soothe the worries of a skittish lender.

Another qualification requirement may be to secure their money with some type of collateral. Any savvy lender, whether it's a bank or your cousin Mel, likes the idea of being able to recover their money through the sale of your possessions in the event you decide to take off to Mexico before completing your payments. Be smart about what you offer as collateral - the ideal scenario here is you'll give them something with some value, but not something you'd actually be sorry to lose.

Make a strong case to your prospective bank. Let them know you're a person of integrity, and you will repay the debt if they take a chance on lending you the money. And for future reference - don't spend your tax money in Vegas.

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