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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tips on selling Pittsburgh Home

By Won Kim

It is important in order to find the best real estate agent you do some research beforehand whether you are going to be buying or selling a property. Certainly when it comes to selling say a Pittsburgh home you need to know everything you can about the selling process. Just what kind of marketing strategy does the agent use, what type of advertising is done and how much knowledge do they have about the market.

You should never go with an agent simply because they quote a sale price above what others have quoted to you. You should never forget that the person who is going to be potentially buying your home is someone that won't pay more than they feel it is worth. Certainly any sensible buyer especially with the current financial situation is going to do some research first. They will look at what prices Pittsburgh homes similar to yours are actually selling for.

So it is important that you just like any person who may consider buying your Pittsburgh home you do your homework first. It is crucial you do some research into the various agents in your area and create a shortlist of those you are thinking of using. When you want to look more closely at them there are certain questions you should be asking and below we look at what these should be.

1. Find out just how many homes that they have listed and how many they have sold in the previous six months. It is best that you choose those agents who have homes similar to yours on their books. If they are unable to provide you with details of the properties that they have sold then move on to the next one on the list you have made.

2. Find out how long they are taking to sell Pittsburgh homes. Just because they are selling homes in a quicker time period it does not mean that the market is good. The reason that they may be selling properties quickly is that they are doing so well below the price quoted. So again you need to look closely at what price was being asked for the property and what it actually sold for. Ideally you want an agent who is able to sell your property quickly, but close to the asking price you want for it.

3. Discover how long they have been running their business for and what organizations they are members of. Just because they have held their license for some time it does not mean that they have been actively selling Pittsburgh homes during it. Some agents only run their businesses on a part time basis and so selling may not be such a high priority to them. Whereas an agent who is running their business on a full time basis for 2 years is someone who is going to put in the effort to ensure that you get what you want or close to it.

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