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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Basics for The First Time Home Mortgage Loan Borrower

By Matthew Sanz

Property ownership and buying a home for the first time can be an exciting yet mind-boggling experience. Before you make a decision, it is important, therefore, that you know your options as well as the basics of home mortgage loans.

What is a mortgage?

A mortgage is a loan you pull out to pay off your home. If you are a first time home mortgage loan borrower, you may be asked to deposit a down payment and pay for the rest (i.e. monthly) through a mortgage loan. Establishments that can offer mortgages are mortgage specialists, building societies and banks.

What are the types of mortgage?

-The repayment mortgage - monthly payments are made within an agreed term until loan and interest are paid off.

-The interest-only mortgage - monthly payments are made for a period of time as agreed in the contract, except payments cover only the loan's interest within the initial term. Afterwards, you are asked to make interest payments in full every month.

-Fixed-rate mortgage type - requires you to pay for a fixed interest rate over the whole term. Interest rates do not change and therefore offers a feeling of certainty for most borrowers.

-Adjustable rate mortgage type - has rates that adjust after an initial term containing a fixed rate. Rates could adjust depending on the rise and fall of other economic rates. This could sound daunting for first time home mortgage loan borrowers, but those who want a lower initial rate can benefit from this type of mortgage.

What are the requirements?

1. Good credit report:

From your credit report, lenders will be able to determine whether they can grant your application or to increase the interest rates for your loan. Lenders especially want to make sure that a first time home mortgage loan borrower has the ability and willingness to make his or her payments.

2. Insurance:

In cases where you get sick, get into an accident, or lose your job, your insurance will be used to pay off your mortgage. You might be required to use life insurance to pay off your mortgage should death occur. What are some tips I can use before purchasing property?

- Improve your credit report - Avoid applying for more credit and pay on time. - Review and correct credit information - Contact the credit bureau to correct inaccuracies - Get the best program - Choose a plan that is most suitable for your situation. - Research - Jot down your price range and find out how much you can borrow. - Do it online - Using the Internet could save you more time and money. Lenders now offer mortgage calculators online that you can use to predict which mortgage program is most suitable for you. - Choose the best mortgage specialist - Determine if the specialist works in a company that is likely to stay in business whenever rates fluctuate. - Ask for advice - Look for recommendations so you are familiar with what kind of mortgage plan you are getting into.

Of course, these are only practical suggestions and should not be used in legal matters.

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Mini Dow Index Trading Tip

By D.R. West

We are often asked why we prefer the Mini-Dow index to say the S&P or Russell minis. While any index will do, we especially like the mini-Dow.

Because of the faster movement of the Dow versus the S&P 500, the mini-Dow more closely follows it's big board parent.

So if it is just a matter of speed, then the mini-Russell would be even better right? Not exactly. The problem with the Russell is the low volume. This will no doubt change in the future. The mini-Dow had too low a volume for our money just a couple years ago, but that has now changed.

One more reason why we prefer the Mini-Dow is that we like no-cost tools, and it is much easier to find a reliable Dow chart. In fact there are many online that work just fine.

No matter which Index you prefer, we feel it is an advantage to watch the big board chart, and not the mini chart. We also prefer the 5 minute time frame.

Many traders watch both, which is what I did years ago before deciding to focus on the big board. Here's why. I found that I would not move on what the mini chart was telling me unless I confirmed it with the big board. A popular confirmation among traders. It finally hit me that if I would not make a trade without confirming it with the big board, then why did I need the mini chart at all?

When I dropped the mini chart and focused on the big board movement, my trading improved. I have sinced confirmed this strategy with Hundreds of my students and other traders. Just recently, one of my students who moved on to using the mini-chart (a paid service I might add), came back to our style and is now focusing on the no-cost big board chart we use. He also confirmed that his trading improved, and he now sees why we focus on the big board.

The mini chart (even in the 5 min time frame) is like trading with a 1 minute chart. There are too many head fake moves that get you in a trade before it has fully developed. The big board averages some of those moves out for you. It keeps you on the sidelines when you should be. Sure, you might not get in as early on some runs, but in the long term it will save you!

It is hard to catch a move from top to bottom or vice-versa. By watching the big board you can fairly easily get a nice chunk out of the middle (or many chunks with our BIG MONEY Small Trades strategies). So watch the Big Board, and give the Mini Dow index a try. You will like it.

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Home Buddies Economic Outlook 3 - Credit and Investor Opportunity

By Cliff Pape

The past few weeks we have looked at an overview of the U.S. economy as a whole. Now we will look at what is likely to unfold in the mortgage and real estate markets next year. Then I will go over some opportunities that come up in this stage of the real estate cycle.

Credit Markets & Lending

It seems the biggest story coming out of 2008 is the Fed's announcement in November to buy up $600 billion in unsecured debt and mortgage-backed securities from Fannie and Freddie. The push is an attempt by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury to steer toward lower mortgage rates - not just lower short-term rates.

The goal, whether it is a good idea or not, is to make it less expensive to get a mortgage. The idea is to lower debt costs to bring possible home-buyers or investors with credit to stabilize the market.

Furthermore, if home buyers jump into the real estate market, this will further stabilize home values which will help the banks' balance sheets. All of this bodes well for mortgage brokers and loan officers because the ultimate goal of the government is to get mortgage lenders to loosen credit and they have committed to do it. At some point during 2009 mortgage lending should begin to pick up. Expect a refinance boom when the mess clears up.

The Real Estate Market

If housing permits continue to slow, it may be some time before the real estate market improves in the US. Keen an eye on a few things in Houston however. Some cities (including Houston) are still countering the global economic trend. However, even in Houston, permits are starting to slow which may lead to a retraction as we move into next year.

However, layoffs will be the big indicator leading into 2009. If we experience substantial job layoffs then the already fragile housing market could experience a deeper setback.

Opportunities for Investors

The credit crisis has brought fear into markets whose economic fundamentals would not otherwise justify it. Therefore there may never be a better time to buy single family homes in Houston because the emotional fear does not match the fundamentals and prices have fallen below what they would otherwise warrant without the short-term, emotionally-driven fear.

In addition, with lending standards still remaining tight, many buyers are unable to credit-qualify to purchase a single family home. This is creating, and will continue to create, a great opportunity for savvy investors to pick up investment properties at undervalued prices.

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?Don't Wait Until Age 65 to Think About a Retirement Plan

By Michael Geoffrey

Planning early for your retirement is one of the best things that you are ever going to be able to do for yourself in your lifetime. The earlier you start planning for your retirement the more educated you are going to be, the more ready you are going to be for your retirement, and the more money you will have set aside thereby allowing you to maintain the same lifestyle you are living now, if not better.

Where to Begin

There are a lot of different variables and factors to consider when planning for your retirement. Some people feel a bit overwhelmed when they think about it. It is hard to know where to start. That feeling is understandable. There is a lot to consider. The first thing that you need to do is determine in your mind where you want to be from a financial standpoint when you reach retirement age.

Money for your retirement should be set aside from your income before you spend a dime on anything else. That money should be invested for future use.

It may be that you are knowledgeable about investments and retirement plans. That's good and you should use that knowledge. However, even if that is the case it is a good idea to seek professional guidance when setting up a retirement plan so you receive step by step direction.

A financial advisor will help you maximize your savings by guiding you to the best investments for you. They will instruct on tax laws and how these will affect your investment. Because they are the experts there are investments available that you may not be aware of. They can help you find these and invest wisely. You will find planning for your retirement less challenging with expert guidance.

No matter what your age you can start planning for your retirement. You are never too old or to young. But the younger the better so start now. Remember to use good logic and good judgement when planning for your future. It is one of the most important things you will ever do.

You can never obtain enough information about retirement plans and you can never be too prepared for your future. Stick with these suggestions and continue to learn about how you can create the best retirement plan possible for you.

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Home Mortgages Information

By John Bear

Conventionally, a mortgage loan is used to buy the same property that is also used as collateral. Mortgages are generally taken on real estate properties rather than other movable properties. Home mortgages are loans that are taken to buy a house, which is the security for the loan.

When a person takes a home mortgage, it will defer him from paying the purchased home. Now, there are ideally two persons involved in a home mortgage: the creditor and the debtor. The person who gives the loan is known as the creditor and the one who takes the mortgage is the debtor. A legal advisor, a mortgage broker, and a financial advisor are also helpful characters in securing a home mortgage.

Mortgages can also be repaid in a number of different ways, just like conventional loans. These different ways include paying capital and interest, interest-only, no capital or interest, interest and partial capital, and more. Second mortgages, refinance mortgages, and bad credit mortgage loans are some of the other kinds of mortgages.

The rate of interest that is to be paid with the capital is known as the mortgage rate. It is one of the most important aspects in home mortgages. Now, there are also another two kinds of home mortgages based on the rate: the fixed-rate mortgages and the adjustable-rate mortgages.

The type of mortgage that the borrower can take actually depends on the requirements and the borrower's situation. Other factors that could also influence the type of mortgage include the price range, how much can be borrowed, and the tax advantages of taking the mortgage.

The home mortgage process, also known as origination, involves several stages such as submission of an application and documentation about credit history and income, checking of the documents and credentials by the underwriter, and granting of the mortgage. A good credit history is very important in order to secure a home mortgage. Creditors charge some fees for giving a mortgage like entry and exit fees, administration fees and lender's mortgage insurance.

Nowadays, with technology at its peak, getting a home mortgage is no longer a long and painful process. In fact, many of the lenders provide online websites so borrowers can just conveniently discuss about mortgage, submit applications and even compare different options. With just a click of the button, borrowers can get all kinds of payment information and tax advantages through the sites' home mortgage calculators.

The Internet is truly a wonderful source for getting a good mortgage dealer. Most sites even encourage borrowers like you to seek advice online or on the phone regarding home mortgages through the lenders' financial advisors. But of course, you have to ensure that the advisors have good credentials in order for you to trust them.

Lower Rates For Loans Mortgages

By John Bear

It is no wonder that most people nowadays have refinanced their home loan mortgages. Call it strategic but they do this for several reasons but is it possible somehow to get lower rates? Yes, indeed as you are now capable of reducing the interest you are paying on such loan. Maybe because you have a good credit score and you can qualify for a lower interest rate or the interest rates for your loan may have dropped.

Now, there are simple ways to help you save a significant amount of money especially if your loan happens to be over a long period of time. First, you have to spend some time in looking at financial matters such as this and talk to your loan or mortgage company. Ask if there is a way to help reduce your monthly payments or leaving you enough money to pay off the loan earlier, like maybe considering refinancing your higher interest loan with one that has a lower rate.

Always read the terms and conditions of any loan and make sure you will not be left with an early settlement fee should you save enough money to pay the loan off earlier than expected. Always do your research whether it is over the internet, by phone or by speaking face to face with a reliable financial adviser.

And of course, before taking out new loans or refinancing existing ones, be sure that you are completely happy with the decision you are about to make and again, check the terms and conditions.

As always, the credit score plays a significant role when you are to look for that lower interest rate so keep all your payments existing and previous loans up to date. But if somehow, your loan company won't offer you a lower rate, ask them why and what you can do to be considered on getting a good low rate.

You can also think about taking a zero percent interest free credit card and have the loan moved on to the credit card if your existing loan has a high interest rate. But do take note when the zero percent free rate will end as this can affect your rate of interest in the future.

Never forget to check that the handling fee, which is charged by the credit card company, will not supersede the savings that are made by moving the loan across.

If you are taking out loans mortgages although the interest rates on a variable rate mortgage may seem appealing, always remember this rate can go up or down. Although a fixed rate offers you the security for a certain length of time knowing that you will not be affected by a sudden increase in interest rates of loans mortgages, you may find that the rate drops and you are paying more than you are happy with.

Useful Hints On Cash Advance

By Don Pedro

Dealing with cash advance is something that needs extra attention since if you don't know exactly about the whole procedure it can hurt you pretty badly. So it requires proper knowledge about the whole thing. So you need to have proper guidance and advice in case of handling payday check online.

The main purpose of payday loans is to provide you the financial support that you need at the present time. If you are badly in need of money in a short period of time you may go check in the internet for help and there you will find online cash advance payday loans.

This online loan service is in most occasions provided to the citizens of the particular country for the sake of protecting the investment of the organization that handles the whole system. In case of UK only a British citizen can get a 24 hour loan sanction. In most other cases the system is same since it is relatively more difficult to keep in contact with a foreigner.

Never go for the cash advance company about which you are not feeling quite comfortable. Especially when there are many such organizations available for serving the same purpose why going for the one whose terms are not looking very promising? If you are not satisfied with one then there are always a number of alternatives from which you can pick one.

Loans are never easy to get if you don't have a job. Often the companies look for people who have a job at least for 3 months to make sure that you will be able to repay the loan. So if you don't have a steady job then getting a 30 seconds loan is not easy.

If you want to get a loan then you have to have a steady job. There is no organization that will provide you a loan without checking it out whether you have a job or not.

This is very much important to judge a company before applying for a loan. You can ensure that in many ways. Make some enquiries through asking about different relavent matters. If the company is not a very well known then there terms are not going to be very much of a help in case of such loans.

In United States, in case of bad debts loan the requirement is you need to be a US citizen whose age is over 18. But if you can meet the basic requirements of an organization but not a US citizen then still you can get the loan. But not all the institution does that. So you need to search a little.

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?Choose a Career That Will Ensure a Secure Retirement

By William Blake

Retiring is something that people don't often begin to think about until they are nearing retirement age. That is not a wise approach. The earlier you think about retirement the better your retirement plan will be. Retirement is a milestone in a person's life and should not be taken lightly. On you first day of work at your very first job you should begin a plan for your retirement years. That may seem premature since you have several working years ahead of you. But really it is never too early.

The earlier you start the better you are going to be able to plan, and the more money you are going to be able to put away. Even if all this money does not come from your place of employment, for instance if you put a few dollars of your own money away here and there on the side, it will really end up adding up in the end and will help you out tremendously once the day of retirement finally does come.

Career Planning Retirement

Career planning retirement basically refers to the process in which you decide on a career that is going to offer you satisfactory retirement benefits. Really, career planning is an ongoing lifelong process that allows you to change your career direction as circumstances in your life change, retirement or otherwise.

It is important to think about your career even if you are presently working. It could happen that your employment status may change due to a change in personal circumstances, company restructures and layoffs, or other factors.

Factors That are Involved

Your career should fit you. Of course, there are other things that you have to consider. But your first priority should be to make sure that you choose a career that fits the person you are ??" your likes and dislikes and your abilities.

Making sure your career suits you is not the only thing to consider. It is important to take into consideration the type of retirement plan that will be available. You want your career to fit you now so that you can be happy and enjoy life now. You also want your career to have a good retirement plan so that you can be happy and enjoy life in the future. Both are equally important.

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How Real Estate investors can deal with bad credit reports

By Doc Schmyz

Creditors and bankers approve or disapprove loans based on your credit worthiness. In some cases it also will determine your credibility to certain employers or landlords.

A good credit rating allows you to be able to apply for loans and/or credit cards easily. It will also mean that you will have more chances of getting certain jobs that may require a background check. You will be able to pay your bills on time.

Having bad credit can reduce the opportunities of things. You may get approved for a loan or for a credit card but with a higher interest rate. You are considered a "at risk" customer because the creditors are not sure if you will pay your bills. If you are trying to apply for an apartment complex the landlords may take a look at your credit score to determine if you will be able to pay your rent. Not to mention that most look at the report and will use it to form an opinion about you character.

These are just some of the many reasons as to why having a good credit score is very important in today's world. However, what do you do if you happen to have a bad credit score? If you have bad credit it is important to fix the problem as soon as you can. Here are several ways to do just that.

First, you must stop missing payments and make payments on time to avoid making things worse. So how do you do this? You pay your previous overdue debts as soon as possible. This cuts off the bad credit reports from creditors. It will not improve the actual credit score but it will put you on the right track to repairing your credit history.

Next, you can raise your credit score by opening a new savings or checking account. You should also apply for a secured credit card. This secured card will have a lower limit and a higher interest rate however,by paying the monthly credit card bills on time you will be able to see a significant rise in your credit history report.

Follow these steps you will eventually start to see a good credit rating. However, your past credit history will remain on the "books". This does not expire for 5 to 7 years. You must remember that it does take time to raise your credit rating. You must be patient and diligent to see a change. It is far easier to destroy your credit then to repair it.

That is why it is very important to make positive reports for your creditors. They then will pass those on to credit reporting agencies. Remember to pay your loans and credit cards on time in order to get a good credit rating. By doing so you will eventually end up with a good credit score and history. Never miss out on a future financial opportunity when they come your way.

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